How to become a full stack developer | skills 2020

What is Full Stack Developer ?

               A full stack developer is a programmer who is knowledgeable and experienced in all the skills required for development.Because where development requires 2 to 3 developers,It's all done by a full stack developer. Full stack developers are especially preferred for web development and software development whose demand is growing world famous in the present times.You can also become a full stack developer if you have a good knowlegde in development. Such as front-end developer, back-end developer and database are the three main topics about which knowledge and experience are required. There should be knowledge as per the requirement of other subject given below which may become important in future.

1) Font-End Developer :

               Front-end means the front part or what we see.Front-end technology plays a part in software or web application design, especially in development.In which HTML,CSS, JavaScript,Jquery etc. are made possible with the help of scripting languages sources.Knowledge and experience about this construction is called a front-end developer.

2) Back-End Development Programming Language :

               For example, there is a website on which you fill in your details to apply for a online job. The code that is written to transfer that data is possible by the programmer. For this, various server-side programming languages ​​have been developed so that programmers can perform such operations quickly and easily, the resources of which are available online. Using programming languages ​​like PHP, C #, Java, Python etc. you can become a good backend developer that is perfect for a full stack developer.

3) Database Knowlegde :

               A database is a type of warehouse that is used to store data.The database is a table format, so that the data is stored in columns and rows according to the index.This database is needed to store data when a web application is being developed and used for online operations.Insert, update and remove information, everything is done by structure query language,You need to have knowledge MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, SQLServer are widely used for development.

4) Version Control System (VCS):

               A version control system means that you need to be fully aware of the software or editor you are going to use for web application development. Because there are frequent updates to the software that have been used and new features have been added that should be aware of the latest updates.You should be able to solve small and big problems like error fixing, configuration, deployment etc. quickly.

5) Know API : 

               Application Programming Interface(API) is the most important concept of development.This is very useful for a full stack developer. Because when you develop an application you need some data that belongs to a third party, Such as contact number. You will then need to integrate the API,which must collaborate with third parties to access the data. So that you can access the required data. For example, the WhatsApp application accesses your contact number. 

6) Server knowlegde :

               Server is a kind of hub that we can call the world of internet. We use it in many ways but some things are not known. The basic objective of the web server is to store,process and deliver web page to user. Have you ever thought that this is the process that is going on or we are seeing the web pages,In which place is the content placed? Through which we can use it in any corner of the world? So the answer is server. For which software has been developed. Such as Apache Tomcat, Oracle WebLogic Server, Glassfish, etc. Its use and knowledge is essential for a complete stack developer.

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