What is hacking? | Types of Hackers

                       What is hacking? Let's understand the secret behind this one word which is searched so much.You will hear the word from a news channel or a newspaper. When a thief goes to steal from a house, he does not attack the house directly. He prepares a complete blueprint in his mind before he steals into the house. The same is true of hacking,The difference between the two is that earlier thieves broke into houses and stole and now they are using that technology. Now you may be wondering how all this is possible through technology?Technology has become an important tool in modern times.Such as computers, smartphones, etc. that we use every day. Through which most of the work can be done very quickly and easily. As the use of this technology increased, improvements were made so that people could make the most of it. 

                      Business, government official work, banking work started online. All the data of which is stored in the computer. Hacking is done by people who are computer savvy and have a good knowledge of programming languages, who want to harm people or who want to make money by fraud.Those people steal the data lying in the computer and those who have the data take advantage of their compulsion and demand millions of crores of rupees,Known as a hacker. Hacking is a legal crime, called cybercrime, which can lead to severe punishment. How is hacking done? And the information of the purpose for which the hackers are hacking are  given below.

History :

                       Hacking began in 1960 at MIT. The word hacker also originated from there. At the time, no one knew the secret behind the word. At that time  was a network system called ARPANET which we now know as the Internet. Whose job is to connect one computer to another computer, which we can also call network.The network is the main starting point of hacking. Kevin Mitnick who is one of the most famous hackers in the world today.In the year 1990,Was caught during a tracking.

What is hacking ?

                     Hacking is the act of stealing or loss data in a computer system. But on the other hand,hacking is done to prevent such attacks. Basically the hacker detects the weaknesses of the computer system, And without permission data theft or loss inside the computer is called a hacker.There are many hackers who do hacking for their own benefit. Such as businesses, organisation, banks etc. For those whose data has been stolen, they ask for lakh-crores of rupees. It is usually a crime,For which punishment can also be done. But not all hackers are the same, some are also good, And they are known by different names whose information is given below.

There are three types of hackers :

                                1. Black Hat Hackers
                                2. White Hat Hackers
                                3. Grey Hat Hackers

1. Black Hat Hackers :

                    A black hat hacker is a person who steals and damages data stored in a computer system. Such as fund transactions, bank details, corporate data etc. By stealing data, Blackmail and take advantage of Compulsion for their own benefit. These hackers are the master mind and very dangerous. All this is a crime, for which punishment can also be done.

2. White Hat Hackers :

                The computer is a tool that simplifies the task for a human being and it has also become very useful. Since most of the work is done with the help of computer, important data is stored. Protecting this data requires strengthening the security of the computer system that White Hat hackers do with permission of Keeping in view the rules of the government. These black hats work against hackers so that they do not attack. Who we know as Ethical Hacker.

3. Grey Hat Hackers :

                  Gray hat hackers hack just like a Black hat hackers but do not intend to damage or steal data stored in computer systems.These hackers are those who have the skills and knowledge in hacking. It can also be said that black hat hackers and white hat hackers are a combination of both. Who have wrong intentions and exploit or cheat society Gray hat hackers go hacking to stop them.

Miscellaneous Hackers :

  • Red Hat hackers : Similar to white hat hackers, Red hat hackers also work which in simple terms is to stop the acts of black hat hackers.But these hackers have a slightly different agenda. Because,Red hat hackers operate by their own rules.
  • Blue Hat Hackers : Blue Hat Hackers is to find bugs in a developed application And represent the company.In particular, the microcosm company prefers such hackers,Because the Windows system continues to develop and upgrade new applications. 
  • Green Hat Hackers : These are hackers who are educated and join a group of hackers to become the best about hacking through videos and tutorials.
  • Elite Hackers : These hackers are the real experts and the innovators in all ways of hacking.
  • Script Kiddie : Script Kids are hackers who know about hacking but don't have the skills.They do hacking with the help of software created by hackers.They usually create duplicate web links, copy the code and create a duplicate web page.
  • Hacktivist : These are the types of hackers who break into systems and networks just to draw attention towards an alarming social cause. And leave the message of website hacking
  • State/Nation Sponsored Hackers : In this, hackers work under the government, which is hired to protect the privacy of the state or center on the result of war and to steal or obtain information on cyberspace or another nation or international agency.

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