What is Kali Linux operating system and How to use it?


             Before learning about Kali Linux we also need to know what is operating system?Because it is a type of software that is designed to performs multiple task and you know it as the operating system.Which is widely used by computers, laptops and mobile devices.With the help of computer you can do a lot of work quickly and in less time easily and at low cost, the best example of which you will find in banks or cybercafe and government office.So we will get more information on kali linux without wasting your time.

What is Kali Linux ?

             Kali linux is an operating system and it is an open source.This is a debian derived linux distribution designed for offensive security.It was developed by Mati Aharani and Devon Kearns of BackTrack,Their previous information security testing linux distribution based on knoppix.There are other Linux based operating systems available such as Ubuntu OS, Parrot Security OS, Debin Linux, Security Focused Operating System, BlackArch etc. Kali Linux is a best of penetration-testing operating system.Because it has around 600 pre-installed penetration testing programs (Tools). All of these tools are used to protect against cyber attacks.Kali linux operating system was first launched on 13 March 2013.

» Basic requirements for install Kali linux operating system in your computer or laptop.

  •  Minimum 20GB Hard Disk Space for Installation depending on the version.
  •  Minimum 2GB RAM for i386 and AMD64 Architectures
  •  Minimum of an Intel Core i3 as an AMD E1 Processor.

» Download Kali Linux operating system : Click Here 

Use of Kali Linux OS

           As you will often see in news channels or  newspapers, technology is mostly used in the current generation. To operate it,a computer or system is used that has software developed by programmers that can be used to run it.The software is connected to the network so that it works when any operation is performed by the computer. A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data. An example of a network is the Internet, which connects millions of people all over the world. Cyber ​​attacks are carried out by those networks and these attacks they intend to blackmail or steal and have good knowledge or expertise in programming language, Network, SQL Database Management etc. They are known as hackers.

Types of cyber attacks :

  • Denial-of-Service and Distributed device of service ( DDoS ) Attacks
  • TCP SYN flood Attacks
  • Teardrop
  • Smurf Attacks
  • Ping of Death Attacks
  • Botnets
  • Man-in-the-middle (mitm) Attacks
  • Session hijacking
  • IP Spoofing
  • Replay
  • Phishing and Spear phishing attacks
  • Drive-by Attacks
  • Password Attacks
  • SQL injaction Attacks
  • Cross-site Scripting Attacks
  • Birthday Attacks
  • Malware Attacks
  • AI-Powered Attacks
  • URL interpretation
  • Trojan Horses

           The above mentioned cyber attacks are mainly carried out by Black hat hackers(What is Black Hat Hacker?).It is a hacker who violates computer security for their personal profit or malice.Kali linux operating system is used to prevent such attacks and to make the system more secure.Ethical hackers(What is Ethical Hacker?) use pre-installed penetration testing tools to provide security to the system from cyber attacks to prevent your important data from being stolen.

» Kali Linux includes Security Tools :

  1. Aircrack-ng
  2. Autopsy
  3. Armitage
  4. BurpSuite
  5. BeEf
  6. Cisco Global Exploiter
  7. Ettercap
  8. Hashcat
  9. John the Ripper
  10. Kismet
  11. Lynis
  12. Maltego
  13. Metasploit Framework
  14. Nmap
  15. Nikto
  17. Social Engineering Tool
  18. SQLmap
  19. Wireshark
  20. WPScan
  21. Nessus
  22. Zenmap
  23. Hydra
  24. Reverse Engineering Toolkit
  25. Foremost
  26. Volatility
  27. VulnHub

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